
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wow it has been so long since I posted I just don't know what to say to catch everyone up!

Let me see...God has truly been working in our lives. We have found a church home, it is a church that was just started up and getting its feet off the ground, but we love it and Cody really enjoys being involved. We had wonderful holidays, filled with family and friends and enjoyed every minute of it. Cody has recently started a job and although he does not love it, he is sticking it through and hoping to either begin to love it, or find something else in the near future. When Cody started working Stetson started a small daycare/preschool and he absolutely LOVES IT!! He gets sad sometimes at night because he misses his friends and just has an amazing time at school. The teacher and director all say he is doing an amazing job and listening very well and I am so excited that things are going well. He is my sweet boy, but I am beginning to see signs of my sweet baby disappearing. He doesn't always want to hug me and wipes my kisses off and doesn't want to sit by me when we watch TV or play games. He is growing up and although it is amazing to see my baby grow into a little boy and watch him learn so much, it is sad to see my little baby go...I guess it is all part of being a mom huh lol...

And to continue with the exciting news we found out right after Thanksgiving that..WE ARE EXPECTING BABY #2!!! Most people know this already, but for those who don' you know!! We are beyond excited and cannot wait to see this new child we have made. Our due date is August 14th (2 DAYS BEFORE STETSON'S BIRTHDAY! PLEASE LET THIS BABY BE EARLY!). We will be finding out the gender in mid march and are so excited! We will keep everyone updated!

Another tid bit I wanted to add about the baby and Stetson.. Stetson has said some of the cutest things about the baby and I wanted to share:

1) He was talking to the baby (or my belly lol) and I was telling him things to say such as "I can' wait to meet you and I love you" Then I asked if there was anything else he wanted to say to the baby...he thought about it for a minute, then looked at my stomach and said "I can't wait to kiss you baby.." I almost started was so sweet!

2) We were eating lunch with my parents as we were all sitting there enjoying our meal not even talking about the baby Stetson looks at my dad and says "I love that baby Papa" my dad says "what baby Stetson?" and Stetson says "the baby in my momma's belly" I makes me so happy that he loves his little sibling!

I will keep you updated with more cute things he really do say the darndest things!! I could write a book!

I love you all and can't wait to share anymore news with you...I will try to update more often!!
