
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hope Mommies, There is Hope

It is hard to put into words what I feel right now. To say I was blessed to be able to attend the Hope Mommies retreat is an understatement. It was an amazing experience and so fulfilling for my heart and soul.

I have things happening in my life not exactly related to our loss, but what I was able to see this weekend was how God comes to you where you are at and provides for you what you need. He did not just provide for me my needs for my grief and loss, but also for the other major life changes I am experiencing. What an amazing, powerful God we have that he comes to us instead of expecting us to go to him. He loves us wholly and tenderly and he spent the weekend holding all of us as we poured our hurts out and he was able to place a small stitch in our gaping wounds. It is very healing to be in a room of people who understand your pain. There is no awkwardness about asking the "what is your story" question or "tell me about your baby" or even the simple question that can cause so much pain out in the open world "how many kids do you have?" the next question is inevitably "how old are they?" which turns into a huge mess...that opens a wound every single time. There so many things throughout a regular day that can me heartbreaking for a grieving mother. This experience helps you know that these heartbreaking moments are are normal! It is an amazing feeling...we are not alone!

There was an image one of the leaders placed out the first night that was amazing. She said as she was praying she saw an image of God up in heaven gathering all out little ones together in his lap and saying "look my children your mommies are down there looking to me, worshipping me and talking about you" In that moment I knew it was true. Our babies were together watching us heal and share our stories about them. They are with God and know about what an amazing God he is. What a glorious day that was in heaven. They saw us reaching up to your one true Father for guidance in our grief and pain. They were so happy I just know they were.

The worship was amazing, the friendships were amazing and the love was amazing. I am counting down the days to next years retreat.

If you know someone that would like more info or has recently lost a baby we also have Hope boxes. These are boxes of items that can help a grieving mother heal. Email, message or call me if you want more information about this amazing ministry.