
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

motherhood post child loss

A sweet friend of mine posted this for me recently and it was amazing to read.  Hits all those things I needed to hear!
And it made me realize that this is not something that has been discussed truly from me.  How I feel my mothering has changed since Branson passed away.  I do try to drink in the small moments and treat all things as major exciting moments now, but right now I feel like I'm losing a battle at being the mom I want to be.

I feel like I'm not as good as I should be, or not as strong as I want to be.  I've got a short fuse and I've treated them like they should know how to live life now.  When all reality is THEY DON'T KNOW EITHER!  Their life has been completely changed, not just because they lost a sibling, but they've lost their strong, happy mother and their normal little lives.  They went from a normal childhood of playing with each other, watching cartoons, coloring and laughing, to thinking about death daily, and think about missing their brother daily and trying to figure out why everything seems so different all the time.  The house is different, the atmosphere is different. Their life is different, yet I expect them to act the same?  Shame on me.  I feel like a failure as a mom alot of days.  Like I can't keep it together for their sake. I let them get away with more, which usually ends up biting me in the butt later, but I just don't have the strength or will power to fight them.  My discipline is inconsistent, alot of times I just say oh well, they'll be fine.  And then Stetson is getting so big and he's grown up so much since Branson passed and I'm having to let him go a little.  Teaching him how to go outside and play with the neighborhood kids and check in with me and stranger can I let go of him.  I NEED him right here in my house next to me so I know nothing is wrong and nothing will ever be wrong.  I am anxious and my stomach is in knots the whole time he is out playing.  Not just that, but letting him grow up hurts a little, he's my baby boy.  My only boy now...but my first baby.  And then it makes me realize that I won't see Branson EVER do any of these things and that hurts so much, so I rush Stetson back inside and tell him its time to calm down just because I can't deal with the pain.  How fair is that to him?!  How dare I take away his freedom and joy that he needs at his 6 yr old life and treat him like a captive, just so my heart is spared. My life is complicated and hard on a regular basis and I struggle with how to parent children who know such a deep pain.  When is enough enough, how hard should I push them, when is it time to just let it be.  I think of these constantly and fight with myself on what I'm doing right or wrong. In all reality there is no right or wrong and I'm doing the best I can with something I never was prepared for.  I say all of this to say that this article made me realize that this is all normal and ok...this is not easy and it will all work out.  I do know my children and I know me...after this I do whatever I can one day at a time and have no regrets because no one can tell me what I'm doing is right or wrong.  The only thing guiding me right now minute to minute, hour to hour is God and he will show me what is right and what is wrong.  So all those stares I get from people when Kinlee is throwing a fit during dance, WHO CARES, Not always knowing if Stetson is doing ok or functioning as he should after everything he saw, ITS OK....Not knowing if I can breath again without Branson here...I will because God is right there holding me and walking me through my life right now.


  1. I think you are doing an incredible job! Your kids are healthy and happy, and they know just how much their mom loves them.

  2. I have been wanting to post this for a while to you.. When I was younger my grandmother would play Cristy Lane in the car as we drove down the road. I would sing along to the songs, but they never meant anything to me. When she passed in February, we bought alot of the Cristy Lane songs off of iTunes for the viewing. Again, they were good memories, but they didn't really MEAN anything to me. Then, with the passing of your sweet boy, trying my hardest to get through it, knowing you were hurting even more than I was I cam across the Cristy Lane songs on my computer. The first song started playing and I broke down. It was what I needed and I listen to it EVERYDAY for the past 3 1/2 months! Here are the lyrics, you can google the song if you would like, but I hope maybe you find it as helpful as I do. It reassures me that all I have to do is ask God for one day at a time. I love you!!

    I'm only human, I'm just a woman.
    Help me believe in what I could be
    And all that I am.
    Show me the stairway, I have to climb.
    Lord for my sake, teach me to take
    One day at a time.

    One day at a time sweet Jesus
    That's all I'm asking from you.
    Just give me the strength
    To do everyday what I have to do.
    Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
    And tomorrow may never be mine.
    Lord help me today, show me the way
    One day at a time.

    Do you remember, when you walked among men?
    Well Jesus you know if you're looking below
    It's worse now, than then.
    Cheating and stealing, violence and crime
    So for my sake, teach me to take
    One day at a time.

