
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8 wks

8 weeks ago at this moment I was holding my little boy praying he would miraculously take a breath and my nightmare would be over.  How does 8 weeks fly by so quickly?  I hear him sometimes, like he is in the other room stuck under something and I need to go drag him out again.  He was always getting into everything.  Wish I could wake up with him in my arms. When will my heart feel unempty...when will it feel like its not bleeding anymore?. Not much more I can say than I haven't already said over the past 8 wks, but I can say this, that God is working miracles through my little boy and I feel blessed to have been given the chance to bring him life and know him.  I love you sweet baby boy and will hold onto you forever and like I used to say every morning when I dropped him off at the babysitters: "I'll see you later baby boy, love you!" kiss kiss


  1. Britni, I think about you and Branson daily. I am so glad you keep writing, I think it helps. You are so strong girl, Branson has to be so proud of you. Your writing about your faith truly inspires me.

  2. I can't imagine your pain...Hang in there my friend. There are amazing things in store for you and Branson will have his hand in it. :)
