
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Stetson Layne, my sweet (big) boy

I can't believe he is 6 years old today!  6 years ago I was introduced to this wonderful life as a mother, I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything in the world.  He is such an amazing sweet boy I am so blessed to have been given this sweet boy.

What Stetson is to me?  He is sweet, cuddly, a mommas boy and so full of life.  He is so smart and inquisitive.  I know I'm too hard on him sometimes and I try not to be, but it just happens. I am working on it!  I want him to explore life and know his passion and know his future without a doubt in his mind, I want him to know his purpose and love life!

He has taught me a mothers love and shown me a son's love.  The love from a son is something to be cherised, it is amazing.  The love of a daughter is amazing too, but it is a different type of amazing love that Kinlee shows me.  He's so much like me in his personality, shy but crazy too.  He's easily embarrased and thinks about stuff for a long time before talking about it.  He is starting to blossom and become this amazing little kid, not a baby anymore.  He's really growing up right before my very eyes, life is too short.  He has also taught me patience, how to have fun with life, how to be a kid again, how to show excitement, how to be a little boy and how to have faith in God that only a child can have. 

He is also an amazing big brother.  Kinlee and Branson couldn't have gotten a better pick.  He loves them so much and is always wanting to help them.  He tries to teach them so much.  He kisses Kinlee and loves loves loves to play with her. Wish he didn't have to know the pain of losing anyone so young, especially someone he loved and begged for.  He wanted that brother so bad, what an amazing brother he was given and what a wonderful brother he was in return. What a happy, wonderful kid he is growing up to be!  So excited to see how the continues to grow and become a man of God.  So proud to call that little boy my son. 

This morning I booby trapped his room...he didn't show as much excitement as I was hoping for, but he did enjoy it I think.  He had to bust out of his room and he had balloons in his room, 6 for how old he is.  Tonight is present and a big cooke and his requested dinner.  I'm so excited to see him have fun on his birthday.  The day he deserves. 

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