
Friday, August 3, 2012

My Beautiful blessing and happy girl

I cannot begin to express how happy I am to have been blessed with such a wonderful little girl.  We tried so hard for about 2 yrs to conceive her and oh didn't God know what he was doing to make us wait!

What has Kinlee done to bring me happines over the past 2yrs.  She brought me that wonderful feeling of knowing the bond of mother and daughter.  She is so full of joy, laughs at everything and never holds back.  She's one stubborn little toot though, Ms. Independent and its her way or the no way at all.  She's not much on snuggling or cuddling so when you get those snuggles or cuddles from her its a precious, cherished moment.  She has taught me: to smile when days are hard, to forget my worries, to laugh just because I can, to cherish the little moments, to learn self confidence in myself.  She is so full of confidence and so outgoing.  She talks to everyone (even thought you only understand the hi and bye part), she loves loves her daddy and papa's, she loves her brother(s) so much.  She follows Stetson around and copys what he is doing 90% of the time.  She also knows how to teach Stetson a lesson LOL!!  She will put him in his place if he makes her mad! Its hilarious to see!  She loves her baby brother.  Sad that I can't call her a big sister anymore, she will always be one though. She still asks for him on occasion and if she sees a baby that is smaller she calls the baby Branson.  She had so much love for him.

She is one beautful, spunky, joyful little girl.  I have learned so much from her and know she will continue to teach me. She finds joy in the smallest things, I need that in my life and I think God knew that. She is so more amazing than I can even put into words.  She's perfect.  God's gift and blessing to me.  Oh how thankful I am.  Somedays she's gives me a reason to muster up that smile that I don't feel like doing.  God is amazing creating such a wonderful little girl just for me.  Thank you God for my beautiful happy little girl.

My sweet girl in her two yr pictures!!  Beautiful!


  1. Happy Birthday to precious Kinlee!

  2. Yes this baby girl will be her nonnys special talking buddy as she gets older. I am blessed to have a daughter. They are such a help. You have that and it gets better. Hormones will get n the way some but itcan always neither out. Love my daughter. Love yours with all yourmight. She will ba special help. Love ya
