
Monday, July 2, 2012

First Day...step forward

Today was the kids first day with a new babysitter and my first day back at work.  My work day was short and uneventful. I only worked 5 hrs and my coworkers are beyond amazing.  We talked and laughed...sometimes about Branson, sometimes about work.  It was nice to be among those that I work with closely and that know as much about me as I do about them.  God has blessed me with such amazing Godly women, couldn't have asked for better.  They have been so amazing to me.  The day Branson passed they left work, dropped everything that instant that I called and ran to the hospital. They didn't even get to see me much as I was holding my sweet boy and access to his room was limited...but they stayed until 5 when the ambulance picked him up to take him to the ME's office.  What amazing friends.  My brother and sister-in-law were also there along with my pastor and his wife.  My best friend picked up my kids and took them to my house so they would be safe and with someone I know.  Amazing people in my life.  Anyways...back to work.  These amazing women gave me a precious gift when I returned to work this morning.  They had a bulletin board above my desk with tons of pictures of my kids everywhere.  What a perfect moment.  Will hold that to my heart forever!

The kids did awesome with the sitter.  She said they were great and no complaints from the kids.  No crying, no fussing, just fun.  My kids adjust well, that's good for me :)  over all it was a nice start....almost like another first day of the rest of my "new" life today.  It seems like God has alot of things in place for me right now to hold me up.  What an amazing God he is.  Leaving you with some more pictures :)


  1. More amazing words from the heart of a wonderfully loved and blessed person to have such wonderful co workers. That is so great for you to feel and be that loved. So glad you have those people in your life to help you through this part of your life. So glad the kids did well. Pray for continued strength and love from all around you and yours. I am here too. Love you sweet girl
