
Monday, June 11, 2012

A while too long....casts, ponytails and 9 months old.

Its been awhile I know. Things got a little crazy around here with T ball season. Stetson's team has done awesome and got very close to the final game in the play offs. They did a great job and grew so much as a team and on their skills. BUT poor poor Stetson...about 2/3 through the season he broke his arm (of course) and missed out on the rest of the season. But he still had so much fun and learned a lot while he was able to participate. Stetson also had an exciting achievement, he graduated Kindergarten! Such a big boy...growing up into a handsome little man. So hard to let go...
Kinlee has grown so much since my last post as well, she has become little miss attitude and terrible two's have definitely set in!! She is learning new words everyday and becoming more articulate with some words she's had in her vocabulary for awhile. I can't quite believe she is almost two, it seems only yesterday she was born. Oh it goes way too fast!!
Then there is Branson, my teeny big boy. He is definitely gaining weight, just not sure how much yet. He has an appointment Wednesday so we will know soon enough. He is a true joy to be around. So easy going and smiley. Takes alot to get a good laugh out of him, but he will smile that two tooth smile all day at you and scrunch his little nose when he does it. Its a beautiful sight. He is so close to walking, he is just too scared to actually let go of anything. He is constantly on the go and follows his siblings around 85% of the time, but knows how to have a good time by himself also. He loves to babble and says momma when he's tired or hungry mainly.  I can't believe he is 9 months today.
 And finally to summarize our life lately Cody and I just celebrated 5 yrs as a married couple. Its been a crazy beautiful five years. Wouldn't trade a single day....
This is a drawing we had done by a street vendor at Ft. Worth Stockyards. Although it isn't exact it is a general similarity. It was fun anyways.

Thanks for sticking around...I will try to keep up, but life sure does get busy with three little ones. 

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